FC Cincinnati Community Relations

FC Cincinnati is committed to leaving a legacy, creating something bigger than ourselves, and being the embodiment of a rising Cincinnati. Through our own programs and initiatives, and the support of key partners, we aim to improve the lives of children through the game of soccer and will continue to do our part to create an inclusive community.

FC Cincinnati Foundation’s mission is accomplished primarily through five key programs: Club Ambassadorship through In-School and Out-of-School Programming, Mini Pitch Soccer Builds, West End Pride and Learning Is Cool. These programs help promote and encourage strong academic performance, and serve as catalysts to reinforce character values and improved health for children in the Greater Cincinnati region. The Foundation also serves as FC Cincinnati’s philanthropic arm, making donations and investments to Cincinnati-area organizations that have similar goals and ambitions for the area’s youth.

FCC Foundation Programs and Initiatives
FCC Foundation Programs and Initiatives

The honor roll incentive program encourages children to perform well in the classroom through rewards and experiences and reaches 25,000+ students annually.

Presented by Old Spice, this program reaches children in gym classes, after-school programs and summer camps, exposing children to the game of soccer and emphasizing the soft skills developed through sport.

Presented by Mercy Health, this free recreational-level soccer program allows children in the West End to participate, competing in SAY East.

Mini pitches are mini soccer fields that allow for free and safe soccer to take place. A map of current Mini Pitch locations can be found here and are open to the public to enjoy if programming is not scheduled.

FC Cincinnati Foundation invests a minimum of $100,000 annually into the West End community towards community building initiatives.

Community Outreach
Community Outreach
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