USL History

Club Statement: Response To Mayor's Infrastructure Plan


We thank Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley for his strong leadership in stepping up with a major commitment for funding infrastructure necessary to support our $350 million in private investment to bring Major League Soccer to Cincinnati. We hope that Hamilton County will get us over the finish line.

Our team and our owners are ready to finance a new soccer specific stadium. We are offering a model that the public can embrace where government is capitalizing on a significant private investment to better our region. The support for public infrastructure is not unique and no different than what would be necessary for any other development in Oakley.

We look forward to continuing discussions with City Council Members as a part of the public process, and hope that we can count on their support. We have had productive conversations with County leaders over the last two days, and will continue such work over the weekend and into next week as we near our MLS Expansion deadline. It is Cincinnati’s bid to lose.