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FCC Fantasy January Update


Now that we're nearly two weeks into the month of February, we figured it was high time to give everyone an update on how things are proceeding over in the FC Cincinnati Fantasy Premier League.

As has been the case in each of the five months of the English Premier League season, we see a brand new side topping the monthly table in January. And perched at the top was Abdulhakim Nasir's nasidi united, who took the spoils with a total score of 281 after January's three matchdays!

The reward Abdulhakim gets for being crowned our January champion? The brand new, yet-to-be-released t-shirt pictured above, from our upcoming Spring/Summer FCC line. Abdulhakim can claim his prize by sending his shirt size and shipping address in a DM to either the team Facebook or Twitter accounts with proof of ownership of his team. 

If you want a chance to win our monthly EPL Fantasy challenge and earning free FCC gear in February, join our league by clicking the link below.